fén wū
意思解释:(Burn witch)鲁僖公为求雨解旱,要烧死巫尪。被劝止。《左传·僖公二十一年》:“夏,大旱。公欲焚巫尪。臧文仲曰:'非旱备也。'”杜预注:“巫尪,女巫也,主祈祷请雨者。或以为尪非巫也。瘠病之人,其面上向,俗谓天哀其病,恐雨入其鼻,故为之旱,是以公欲焚之。”后以“焚巫”作求雨的典故。
is the left Xi that pass · fair 21 years : Idle of Mie of postscript model Zhu of Tang of 9 is fourth! Times by ぷ witch , sibylline also, advocate pray the person that ask rain. Or think is not Wu Ye. The person of barren disease, on its face to, common calls day sad its are ill, person fearing rain its are nose, reason does it drought, be with fair be about to burn. hind with burn witch make the allusion that begs rain. Tang Dufu in July 3...
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