
lián áo

意思解释:(Lian Ao)战国楚官名。《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“信亡楚归汉,未得知名,为连敖。”裴骃集解引徐广曰:“典客也。”司马贞索隐引张晏曰:“司马也。”一说,《左传》载楚官有连尹、莫敖,其后合为一官名。见《汉书·高惠高后文功臣表》“以连敖入汉”颜师古注。




Name of official of state of the Hunan when age the Warring States. Original name connects Yin, Mo Ao, close after for one official date. is the left assist that pass · fair 15 years : Gather up  of  of second  of  of  of  of Liu of  of go whoring of young fertilizer of  of  of sword of  of  litter  ! Thin be jealous of fragrant just He of せ hurry Cuo writes  the letter dies Chu Guihan, not was informed a name, for Lian Ao. does solution of market of a surname Zuo bring Xu An to say: Dark Qi ostrich is ill! of Tao of a surname of those leek Bei ...

