xiǎo shù
意思解释:(Small vertical stroke)詈词。犹言小子。 僮仆。 为对宦官的蔑称。
Still boy. Say to what the person despises gently. is bright red of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : Gather up of Pao of of of careless of moraine of of of of ∈ of Yao Hao Lou blocks bath up! Thin
小组词、竖组词、 系匏、冒占、侯甸、椒叶、宫斗、界断、悲夫、才实、命民、官贼、炮杖、申辩、传盏、磨拂、吟卧、迁窜、攻读、满盈、沈雄、小竖、