
jǐn jí

意思解释:(Sincerely disease)谓慎重对待疾病。语本《论语·述而》:“子之所慎:齐、战、疾。”孔颖达疏:“君子敬身安体,若偶婴疾病,则慎其药齐以治之。”




is · of the analects of confucius narrated and : White   neat, battle, disease. does Kong Ying amount to scanty: Boil  swim  of Dan of porcelain Gang Cai foldses in a garment the arm that add ぜ . Calamity of guanidine of ┢ of Huang of kneecap of  razor clam fertile  ! Bake addiction of ず of Luo of pen of abdomen of Yun of Pang Pu of G of arm of  of source of Xin of children's hair of my capture of disease of Ku of Ao of bath of large bamboo hat uses up make cure of person depend on and not sincerely disease, so that funeral its body person, ...

