
kuáng shēng

意思解释:(Be born madly)狂妄无知的人。 不拘小节的人。




(The person with madcap and innocent 1) . a surname child does Mr · : Unplug O human skeleton ducks  of handsome of tenon of crucian carp   of Zheng of fear of a cricket of cherry   just   Ji is ill! 2) regardless of trival matters person. history does a surname that write down · give birth to land merchant biographies : Hold a Lao Liang  high to move Du Gan pulls rate of  Tuan dizzy  to gallop belch of adze of the  that carry  climbs Xing of Piao of Deng  Huang bald  of  of  of dizzy street of firewood of Piao of  of Huan Yi Jia! Thin

