shēng guǎn
意思解释:(Nephew house)语本《孟子·万章下》:“舜尚见帝。帝馆甥于贰室。”赵岐注:“贰室,副宫也……《礼》谓妻父曰外舅,谓我舅者,吾谓之甥。尧以女妻舜,故谓舜甥。”后因以指赘婿的住处或女婿家。 指女婿。
below 10 thousand chapters of Mencius · : ∈ of Shen of of Bi of Ling of of Jia of of 8 porcelain bits shakes! of the that shut bury call wife father says outside mother's brother, call the person that I husband's father the nephew that I calls. Monarch Yao with female wife Shun, friend says Shun Sheng. house, the meaning; nephew of stay, point to husband. It is because of weighing husband after house nephew . Business foreword of barnyard grass sea : Unplug Cuo blacks of of Ren of of of ナ rude and unreasonable a platoon sleeves bracelet of bone of willful of of hazel ox is chosen
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