
guān miǎn

意思解释:(Coronet)古代皇冠或官员的帽子。 比喻受人拥戴或出人头地。 比喻仕宦。




(The hat that place of monarch of 1) ancient time, official wears. is the left clear that pass · fair 9 years : Unplug with small  of  of  of road of peach of  of deceive  blessing! The generation of eunuch of2) be an official says. is Wang Chang of · of book of the Kingdom of Wei of · of annals of the Three Kingdoms passed : Ao Pan Han heats up small  of bake in a pan making fun of  ! 3) first place, the first. history the appreciation that connect · : Case just cross Xing Luo meal to long for disease of  of  of  of modular   ! Thin

