qí lǔ
意思解释:(Neat captive)《史记·刘敬叔孙通列传》载汉高祖刘邦发兵击匈奴,齐人刘敬以为不可。高祖怒,骂刘敬曰:“齐虏!以口舌得官,今乃妄言沮吾军。”后人诗文中因以“齐虏”指刘敬。
history does Jing Shusun of the Liu that write down · connect biographies carry: Solder well umbrella of Huan of dizzy of hurry of frown of four of meat and fish dishes of of of Kong of of ⒈ of goody Hai Fu having enough 8 well of clump of frown of He of wed neat captive! Get an official with talking around, it is absurd character to stop today I army. later generations Shi Wenzhong because with neat captive point to Liu Jing. Yuan Dai Biaoyuan < neat Dong Yeyu > foreword :
齐组词、虏组词、 罔上、任教、桂烟、总萃、贯日、交党、师巫、礧击、邀击、凌躐、茨草、粟斯、上涨、偏盲、衔告、近是、参究、银髭、义旗、齐虏、