
guān hǎo

意思解释:(View is good)犹美观。 观察其长处。




Different: Brilliant difference. Good (H à O): Twinkling of  deceive H calls out perch Kuang spring swallows  of brilliant of Fu of V of grand of extensive of cliff of Ju of port of favour of last of Du of wild  of  of  of  of brilliant of appearance of  of have illicit relations with of  Mu correct Na Zhu of  of brilliant of graceful Sou coerce is hot sunlight  of Dong of ferociousing Luo of じ of  of soft-shelled turtle of flesh S milometer young, love and hate is the same as hard. Flyer sees Xi Shi and far die, piscine turtle hears 9 beautiful and dark. [exemple] about aesthetic...

