hé zōng
意思解释:(River an administrative unit in Xizang)古代以黄河为四渎之宗,因称黄河为“河宗”。亦借指黄河中流一带。指黄河的水神。即河伯。 指 黄河 的水神。即 河伯。
One barge Hunan goes, the at every turn between the official is deep and remote. Mountains and rivers-land flocks together child country, in relief building of misty rain high mountain. Palace of tangerine company dragon is close, the river is beautiful daughter of the Supreme Being swims.
河组词、宗组词、 干涝、华西、戎骑、糠灯、白景、长休、傅堞、微谢、犆牲、方袍、华平、枕屏、犀柄、燎原、头疼、整扮、异才、诃梨、茅司、河宗、