xīn jīng
意思解释:(Heart an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast)喻不宁静的心神。语本《战国策·楚策一》:“寡人卧不安席,食不甘味,心摇摇如悬旌,而无所终薄。” 指心神,神思。
Be distracted. Wang Anshi of · of the Song Dynasty does second charm propose a toast Song Zhong comes loose : of antrum of amine Si Gu presses cherry alone idle of yellow of rare ! Thin
心组词、旌组词、 舃咸、赌射、仔鸡、泥母、小东、奸官、氛氤、土候、环泣、离任、迎导、色笔、摩沙、开缄、潜灵、赠死、初化、简宪、永图、心旌、