
hún chéng

意思解释:(Muddy is become)旧时赌博将数个铜钱掷成全字或全背,或谓掷骰子掷出同样的点子。 天然生成。 常形容文学艺术作品等自然,浑然一体,不见雕凿的痕迹。




Meaning namely like nature itself, between the content that basically points to work and form and each part one integrated mass, knot system is whole, without lie between the trace that cracks quarter carve, it is an organic and unified whole, it is commonly used word discusses an idea. Is Song Liqing illuminated is the word talked cloud: Is dam bell surname cast right ah does pen of Guan of  of an ancient drinking vessel of altar of cloth of murder of Shun Wu of ㈥ of  of  of ⒃ of Pi of Jia of ⑸ of Peng of value of ┬ of ⑺ Wu Yong shelter Xin Ban Sha

