
tuō wà

意思解释:(Take off socks)古人席地而坐,登席必须脱屦,而朝见、祭祀等重要礼节,尚须脱袜跣足,以示至敬。参阅清赵翼《陔馀丛考·脱袜登席》。




< adage > dress sock did not feel to thaw is below the foot, wait for next socks to come, just feel to there is cold below the foot. Just realize the effect of the sock at this moment. The value estimation that compares pair of someone or some kind of thing, understanding gets inadequacy, once lose when just know its are important action. ◇ wears socks not to know a foot to fall warm, the ability that take off socks knows a foot to fall cold. Did not feel at ordinary times...

