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意思解释:(Fox)属于犬科的若干种机警的食肉类哺乳动物,与狼有亲缘关系,但体型较小,四肢较短,吻部较尖,有大而直竖的耳和蓬松的长尾,现被置于狐属及世界大多数地区都有一种或更多种代表的几个其他属。 比喻奸诈狡猾的人。
The name is mammalian belong to, appearance resembles a wolf slightly, the gender is tricky and suspicious, night of day hot season goes out, the anus when encountering the enemy gives off bad smell, seize the opportunity to run away. Furry softness. Can make the clothing. Alar with the bosom abdominal fur cries fox Qian , it is the top grade in fur. ...
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