hú shǒu
意思解释:(Crock hand)古代临刑前桎梏死囚的一种器具。
古代对即将受刑的死囚施加的一种桎梏类刑具。《隋书·刑法志》:“死罪将决,乘露车, 著三械, 加壶手。 至市, 脱手械及壶手焉。”…
Ancient time is right be about to a kind of fetters and handcuffs that a criminal awaiting for execution of be tortured be tortured brings to bear on kind instruments of torture. annals of criminal law of · of book of the Sui Dynasty : Aspic of temple of of an ancient drinking vessel of of 8 thunder technetium carries of ≈ to carry frame of 〖 harmony !
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