wú zhù
意思解释:(Do not have)佛教语。实相之异名。谓法无自性,无所住着,随缘而起。佛教称“无住”为万有之本。
Hank. Chen Yuyi is written. Carry on bright the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (1190) , introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Er noteses and commentary on ancient texts add wide Jian Zhai peotry anthology is added 30 rolls do not have word hank , receive a term 18. Song Benyuan hides building of sword of Qu glockenspiel copper, 4 a series of books make up first give photocopy. Yuan first, liu time father the gentleman that need a brook judges bit of Jian Zhai peotry anthology 15, beijing books holding has Japan to break up engrave Ming Jiajing 2...
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