gāo lín
意思解释:(Gao Lin)敬辞。称呼邻居。
To the address sb respectfully of neighbour. new civilian evening paper 1990.6.4: Stop Shan instrument few sincering feeling blinks of to shirk of Bi of Qin Qiao to be opposite nevertheless the brushstroke that this disturbance gives the milk of human kindness between neighbour to put on dense, it is feeling pleased in the heart. ...
高组词、邻组词、 染人、褚五、油烛、丰腆、天车、恐悸、顿刀、杂録、星台、循袭、流媚、兼并、汉酺、班婕、忍殿、庥荫、疏字、棫朴、灵域、高邻、