xiàn shì
意思解释:(Disgraced)佛教语。今生。对前世、来世而言。也泛指现在,当今。犹出丑,丢脸。道教、佛教谓神、佛或菩萨显形于人世。 也泛指现在,当今。 道教、佛教谓神、佛或菩萨显形于人世。
Is the name contemporary; contemporary: ~ of of dark blue of pagoda tree of cook of of to shirk of " of discharge signs up for (the judgement) that superstitious person points to to maleficent person this life gets. Does ③ move fie-fie; humiliating: Treasure of Sui ~ (lose face the person) of lose face. ...
现组词、世组词、 侍郎、新术、深冬、返嘴、正后、鼓盘、威宝、孖仔、拜假、爆竿、祖气、牙板、邻睦、披谢、苕亭、生祭、详实、丽月、庸暗、现世、