guī yī
意思解释:(Return according to)对于神的归顺,皈依。原指佛教的入教仪式,后来泛指参加宗教组织。 投靠;依靠。
(1) is the same as the ceremony of proclaiming sb a Buddhist . (2) < move > depend on, : of go and seek refuge with sb Pao as kind of bag of make a present of is synonymous] │ of go and seek refuge with sb depends on. ...
归组词、依组词、 击触、狐冰、恩慰、沈阻、上假、摊馆、票盐、题柱、院公、灵会、法从、治择、昭知、述事、蹍踏、山胞、遗赐、震位、纪略、归依、