
jī léi

意思解释:(Be hungry thins)参见:饥羸,饥羸。 指飢饿瘦弱之民。




(1) is exhausted tired, emaciated. Gu Yi theory accumulate lay aside scanty :  of  of commission of hair on the neck of a pig of rare  of  of saddle Zhan Jie rainwaters in puddles just! Does stop: ā eight! Thin the battle of Chibi : Ah  of Mang of temple of    adds Sui! Graceful excuse me of Xi of Huan of money storehouse pleasant! Blain of bath of few of Ci Xianyin ぺ two people photograph is fought, one ~ is in side, aid one person to be gotten the better of, save one person to be avoided. (2) is shabby, cheap. You Xia of Chinese book · ...

