
sì shì

意思解释:(Four sting)《说文·虫部》:“螫,虫行毒也。”后以“肆螫”谓任意残害。




(1) poisonous insect or serpent thorn, bite. history biographies of Hou of shade of the Huaihe River that write down · : Regretful dash forward ⒅  cleans out  of grand of  of storehouse of Lian of Ze of ィ  locust! I: of à of Ch of ancient name for a kind of scorpion Is  right shine sigh mu of condition Jin south the Huaihe River child is · true : Amine Lian ill  pays Zuo of  insane barren ! : ā (2) is poisonned, harm. Han Fei child does · servantchoose a person for a job :  of ǘ of dam travel Tan breaks through  of chaste tree of  Qu  only then  of Jin new moon! Thin

