
ruǐ bǎng

意思解释:(Pistil a list of names posted up)传说中道教学道升仙,列名蕊宫。后指科举考试中揭晓名第的榜示为“蕊榜”。




Old times call a list of names posted up of a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations pistil a list of names posted up . Yang Shen hill of art circles cut down roll 10: Plaque of addiction of can of  of scar approach illicit breaks  of  of  of  of predestined relationship of plaque of Chinese catalpa of reason Liang  to come  lap Piao flags  of cruel Ti Chen Liumei  inspects  of osmic Chi of breed Pi  ! Does low blow Lian of  of  of lintel of Liu of H of shank of Piao of lap of  of burnt of  of Lie of Gang of billows world music to hurt  to imprint

