
guó jī

意思解释:(Country machine)国家兴亡的关键。 指国之机务,国之军政大事。




(One) [ ] the office that the arrow sends on J ī Gong Nu. is Zhang Heng of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : My ⒁ melt  of Ju of tan1huan4 of die young of  of   ⒍ !  of thistle of hail Shi  9 climb at present of calf pointing to  to pay  play umbrella crow is entered woven. ③ center , crucial. endowment control a warning does · Chinese display Di Jianan 13 years : I am arenaceous  of Pie   plans censure Pan cut up with a hay cutter! Attend to numerous affairs everyday of of H of Chi of hail Cong contraction...

