guì zhèng
施行奖赏贵在诚信,施行刑罚贵在公正。指赏罚要有原则。语出《鬼谷子·符言》:“用赏贵信,用刑贵正。赏赐贵信,必验耳目之所见闻,其所不见闻者,莫不暗化矣。”[例] 鬼谷子还强调赏罚分明,但他认为赏罚不可以随意,要有一定的…
Gui Zaicheng believes applying award, applying penalty is expensive in justice. Show rewards and punishments wants to have a principle. Language piece Fu Yan of ghost millet · : Deficient of of ox of Ze of painful protruding of I of of Jia of calm of narrow one's eyes of of ox of Ze of dam unconscious protruding rafts fears of Lu of of ox of sufferring from of pray of word of of of Lu of lossen soil with a hoe to imprint! Bao exemple] ghost millet still emphasizes strict and fair in meeting out rewards and punishments, but he thinks rewards and punishments is not OK and optional,
贵组词、正组词、 战摇、同事、戆介、凶恶、苗胄、重侯、析律、狡诡、可擦、用武、帆檝、亵滥、遁夫、挦毛、有土、四檐、丘锦、诋直、育肥、贵正、