
huán jué

意思解释:(Annulus )玉环和玉玦,并为佩玉。 《荀子·大略》:“絶人以玦,反絶以环。”杨倞注:“古者,臣有罪,待放于境,三年不敢去;与之环则还,与之玦则絶。皆所以见意也。”后用“环玦”表示官员的内召和外贬。《后汉书·袁谭传》:“愿熟详吉凶,以赐环玦。”亦用为偏义,谓招还。 有缺口的玉环。


两种佩玉,圆形的玉环和环形而有缺口的玉玦。《汉书·隽不疑传》:“不疑冠进贤冠,带櫑具剑, 佩环玦, 褒衣博带, 盛服至门, 上谒。” ②比喻会合和决绝;也指官员的内召和外贬。《荀子·大略》:“绝人以玦,反绝以环。”杨…


Jade of two kinds of admire, jade annulus of the circle and annular and the jade that has gap. Juan of Chinese book · not is doubt passed : Install ash to bask in censure I of sail of awake of ∨ of  of # of talk in one's sleep of Ь of Zuo of  of  protruding grave, honour garment rich is taken, rich dress comes the door, call on on. assemble of   ② analogy and definitely absolutely; also points to an official inside call together and outside demote. a surname child is · rude : Boil  wall I, turn over absolutely with annulus. poplar...

