
cóng tīng

意思解释:(From listen)听从。 听凭;任凭。


谀: 谄媚;奉承。听取忠直的话难,听从谄媚的话容易。指做人要努力听取忠言,不要被阿谀奉承所迷惑。语出《后汉书·左雄传》:“人君莫不好忠正而恶谗谀,然而历世之患,莫不以忠正得罪,谗谀蒙幸者,盖听忠难,从谀易也。”[例] 尚…


Flatter: ≮ spills to flatter. Listen to faithful stiff sentence is difficult, comply with adulatory sentence is light. Point to be an upright person should listen to sincere advice hard, do not want the place that be fawned on to puzzle. Language piece is Zun Xiong of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : Cover of delay of  of department  moustache of  of art  Mi Zheng takes grey disaster of  of slash  of happy  of  of joyous  of  of model of moustache of insane of art    of Shang Yi Lu becomes warped  of  exterminate bewildered at bursa Zi disease! Bao exemple] still...

