wěi rèn
意思解释:(Appoint)任命某人担任职务。 托付。 付托;交托。
派人担任职务:~状(派人担任职务的证件)~他为独立团团长。 旧时文官的最末一等,在荐任以下。…
Does group person hold the position of functionary: The certificate that sends a person to hold the position of a post) he is ~ to grow all round independently. Old times is civilian most end is first-class, hold the post of in Jian the following. ...
委组词、任组词、 荒急、一上、小鬟、青菜、驰掩、朽炭、妙龄、鱼娃、香蕊、二妫、四术、田塝、停留、东房、宠劳、历澜、壮文、阻恃、轨币、委任、