nán kǒu
意思解释:(South mouth)古指南方边远地区被贩卖的人。 地名。在北京市昌平县西。地当居庸关南要隘,因此得名。后魏叫下口,北齐叫夏口,元时始称南口。《元史·札八儿火者传》所称铁木真令札八儿轻骑入南口,破金人,即此地。
Wei of danger peak Zhang Bing, high wall opens an account window. Collapse prances a horse, circle in the air dance issues clever vulture. After beautiful lubricious confused before, fine haze confuses the left and right sides. Heavy shade ignore barrier slight corneal opacity, hu Hou of empty noise contest. Deep circuitous loves wind day, sodorous stroke stars. Room of the Supreme Being hopes north faults,
南组词、口组词、 潇森、二广、驻景、战袍、乡民、印合、寨总、树脂、三罗、系象、张赵、舒慢、荆蓁、巧谀、林叟、辕缚、迷盹、牌军、酷肖、南口、