
zǎo shú

意思解释:(Early)指人的身心成熟过早。 农作物生长期短,较早成熟。


 生理学上指由于脑上体退化过早,引起性腺过早发育,从而使生长加速,长骨和骨骺(hóu)提早融合的现象。 指儿童在智力方面过早地成熟:这孩子~,比同年龄的孩子懂得的事要多。 指农作物生长期短、成熟较快…


Physiological because pineal body degrades,point to premature, cause sexual gland premature development, make grow thereby quickly, long bone and epiphysis (the phenomenon of confluence of in advance of H ó U) . Point to children to mature prematurely in intellective respect: Piao ⒆ imprints yo of random  of neon of Mei of  of commission of ⒆ of dusk of Lai of Gui of  of   pliable but strong! ≈ without exception shank of gorge of Yi of moisture in the soil of ⒊ of otter of to joke of て of  of ┳ Chi the blade of a sword

