gāo fēng
意思解释:(Height)最高点或最高部分。比喻事物发展的最高点。 比喻事物发展的最高点。
The name compares the apogee that the thing develops. [illustrative sentence] I wish the scientific worker of middleaged generation goes all out to become strong, revolution is added desperately, brave climbs world scientific ~ . [synonymous] peak [differentiate and analyse] height side overweight grows top rate in certain age or period, having top level; peak the highest acme that emphasizes development and...
高组词、峰组词、 糠糜、彻鉴、了日、酥蜜、怨离、叛军、粉绵、郡主、达靼、左藏、嬗易、爱卿、柈舞、酒失、赌窝、兵舍、辔衔、类聚、豁除、高峰、