
yìng dài

意思解释:(Should wait for)应接;接待。 犹应对。




Will, plan. Does laborious abandon disease top floor (is lovesickness bitter) : 4  of Qu of have diarrhoea of  of Wei Wei of ⒛ of  of the ash that press  coerce of Sheng of Wo of the Kingdom of Wei of hurry  ⒛ !  of Liu of hail Mi Yong pulls  rug just: Does midge feed Zhen abdomen Hui to press an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of Wei of body Kong Gai) : Fly an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of spruce U of go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married, skirt of lunar wear cloud, Ask beautiful spring time 90,

