
yù bó

意思解释:(Jade objects and silk fabrics)玉器和丝织品,古时用于祭祀,国与国间交际时用做礼物。 泛指财物。 古代诸侯会盟执玉帛,故又用以表示和好。




(1) luck jade and fine silk silk, sacred, alliance is used when the meeting. Cao cut debate : Unplug pregnant of plaque of  of right Bo of one of ジ of  of    is twisted! Vassal alliance meets2) ancient time hold jade objects and silk fabrics, consequently in order to expresses become reconciled. Xue Fucheng does acting Li Baixiang prepare discuss Japan to change allow of delay of appropriate agreement of short duration scanty : Charm of slash  of ⒃ of anxious  of  of ⒎ of gizzard of pa discharge  is short of  of toad of  of  brother's son! Thin

