
yǐng xī

意思解释:(Shadow rhinoceros)犀的一种。亦称明犀。




(1) rhinoceros. fair be defeated : The sex that boil S spills  of  of Gu of Bian of indium of danger   ! Money storehouse drives  = just! Funny  imprints in person rare of に pilfer childish name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant is like chopsticks dustpan child fear, think elephantine chopsticks does not fill a thick soup surely at earthy Zuo , need the cup of ~ jade. (2) is keen, solid. is Zhang Heng of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : N of loose Zuo of if of  of  of ㈤ of fatigued of 8 Xu small  is denied, have the person that need also. ( ...

