
nòng sǒng

意思解释:(Get shock)亦作“弄怂”。亦作“弄送”。亦作“弄松”。 作弄;戏弄;算计。




< is moved > joke. Wu Yu. Shanghai [] . is West written down does eleventh answer: Scabbard of border of discharge of ferociousing exuviate of Lang Jun ⒔ of Nuo of angry of department of 8   cuts kind into parts to make fun of a low bank of earth between fields of  of alliance of  of plinth of  Fu tending or guard a gate! Benzene  Zhang overspreads Qian! Young of ripples of a gathering of things or people that carry a cover slightly already Luo of carbonyl of R of  of  of Xia of  Luo ぢ returns of to joke  the vulgar that rare law sees doctoral ~ . special...

