xié miào
意思解释:(In harmony is excellent)诙谐精妙。
妙吹应谐凤,清弦方奏鲲。上联出卢肇《无题》;下联出孟浩然《夜登孔伯昭南楼时沈太清朱日升在座》 凤:传说之瑞鸟。鲲:大鱼名。《庄子…
Clever blow Ying Xie phoenix, enormous legendary fish of clear bowstring square achieve. Does the first line of a couplet on a scroll give Lu Zhao no title does; the second line of a couplet give Meng Hao like that is Zhu Risheng of the Shen Taiqing when night enters the building austral Kong Baizhao present phoenix: village...
谐组词、妙组词、 贤善、呈文、香英、贬杀、厉厉、腾移、市区、走动、高价、举节、雄辩、冰冻、同和、祝酹、暗世、导论、丰强、宾会、烬溺、谐妙、