
yí ān

意思解释:(Involuntary discharge of urine is installed)《后汉书·逸民传·庞公》:“﹝庞公﹞因释耕于垄上,而妻子耘于前。表指而问曰:'先生苦居畎亩而不肯官禄,后世何以遗子孙乎?'庞公曰'世人皆遗之以危,今独遗之以安;虽所遗不同,未为无所遗也。'”后遂以予子孙以德,使其淡泊自守,安宁无事为“遗安”。




< move > give quiet. Pang Gongchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty : Liu] the watch points to and ask: Eaves of crack with teeth in mouth of  Ren  bay does Huan shaking  in order to foolishly do I break basket of bluff  bed of the Qiang that cast uranium ' does Pang Gong say: Although place involuntary discharge of urine is different, corridor illicit breaks of garden of fat  of cheese of Xi of  of fat  dizzy # , did not offer as a gift to do not have place also. ...

