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意思解释:(Make shift)词中犯调有两种。一是宫调相犯。即取各宫调的声律合成一曲,使宫商相犯以增加乐曲的变化,有三犯、四犯、八犯之称。但限于“住字”(全曲末一字,或称“杀声”)相同的调子方可互犯。二是句法相犯。集合各调中的句法而另成一调,有似南曲中的“集曲”。 曲中犯调一般指南曲中的“集曲”。一说兼指北曲中的“借宫”,即在某宫调套曲内借用另一宫调曲牌的联套方法。参阅吴梅《顾曲麈谈》。
Make, say to make shift again or make reputation, it is a kind of means of composition move modes of ancient Chinese music. Modulate is change another tune by a melody, making shift is the modes of ancient Chinese music that uses two above inside a melody, the method that performance fortune performs with inflection enhances musical result. Jiang Kui does dreariness make author's preface: Does of of street of of firm Lu of of of amine pay attention to do yo of of of abdomen of otter ⑸ Tan
犯组词、调组词、 棒杀、雪声、持生、收熟、山林、三宗、扑甩、胃癌、至熟、户外、卫虎、棘闱、汗褂、属想、沈忧、直径、手简、追念、丘木、犯调、