jiān jì
意思解释:(Decoct agent)汤药。
奸计jiānjì 名奸诈的计谋。〈例〉中了~/识破~/谨防坏人用~破坏人民内部的团结。煎剂jiānjì 名中药指用水煎服的药。〈例〉服用~/你的病不要紧,只需三副~即可治愈。〈近〉汤药。…
The scheme with crafty name of ì of Nj of trickery Ji ā . < exemple > medium ~ / get behind ~ / beware the solidarity that hellion destroys people interior with ~ . Renown Chinese traditional medicine of ì of Nj of ā of decoct agent Ji points to the drug that takes with water simmer in water. < exemple > take ~ / your disease nevers mind, need third mate ~ to be able to be cured only. < close > a decoction of medicinal ingredients. ...
煎组词、剂组词、 蝗虫、竹弩、拘究、诏举、进学、深婉、诠用、归祔、瘦脊、丛繁、钝钩、竹匠、极视、秉言、执干、龙窝、追观、颁宣、拔徙、煎剂、