zài qī
意思解释:(Again period)亦作“再朞”。 指服丧两年。期,一周年。旧时父母之丧为三年,但到第二个忌日即除去丧服,故称。 两周年。
City wall city dark is made an appointment with long boundless and indistinct, in the middle of the night violent wind annulus sends far sweet. A thousand li in lunar fall cloud is easy, below Yu Shengtian 10 old. Yu spends meeting knot to fill a river to drive, fluid fining jade searchs bend to stop thirsty soup. Thing of predestined relationship of He Riqin building, ...
再组词、期组词、 山图、款遣、奏荐、增色、卜葬、眼神、反宇、篱槿、疾疴、为理、释憾、些少、矜张、羼补、人猫、希贵、野女、敦伦、散赡、再期、