
dū jiǎng

意思解释:(Tell)古代学舍中协助博士讲经的儒生。选择高材者充之。 魏晋以后,佛家开讲佛经,一人唱经,一人解释。唱经者称都讲,解释者称法师。 谓演兵讲武。




Manage the person that learns to abandon in ancient times. Hou of · of book of the later Han dynasty bully pass : Lofty of  of  of offspringing throat of  of  of soak of join of κ of  of В of aether of the contest that bind riverside fights Y Liang Chunqiu , for yuan tell. Xu Ling in the Northern Qi Dynasty and imperial clan book :  of go smoothly of  of  of  of clear of  of ministry of bank look forward to! Zu of Gou of the foot of mountain of  of  of hail Quan glutinous makes silent Pi bank smooth with a rake disease of look forward to is thin! all at farming...

