
huí xué

意思解释:(Wind acupuncture point)风势回旋不定貌。引申为变化无常。 犹纡曲。 反复,变化无常。




Also make answer Zuo , answer , whirl . Rotate; is whirly. Song Yu is wind endowed with : Thunder of abstruse O Long , answer acupuncture point wrong Wu. Wu of the fault that wind acupuncture point, describe adventitious of wind force music coming back. Out-of-the-way of evil of ② labyrinthian; . is Lu Zhi of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed :  of В of betray of Wan of banter of the sliding weight of a steelyard of Mi of  of ぬ of gorge of oath of Qian of oily ㄈ of my avoid Qiu is troubled by  Duo  alone Dou Qia punishs ā of deficient of  Xin Ao! Collapse Sui

