
tián dòu

意思解释:(Cropland antrum)西汉武安侯田蚡和魏其侯窦婴的并称。两人均为皇戚,每相争雄。事见《史记·魏其武安侯列传》。




history does the Wei Jiwu that write down · install Hou biographies carry: Two average per capita are ` of einsteinium of scythe of port of Jie He Hu and baby of Wei Jihou antrum emperor relative, every conflicting is male. Hind with cropland antrum the model that is official conflicting. Advance Cao Shu feeling old-style poetry : Be proud   to bang drops cangue of Yu  a surname Mei Pi! Green jade judges Quan to stay in fabaceous Europe of extensive region of Yun cent  bend of cropland antrum photograph is seized, profit and loss of guest each other. ...

