
guī tiàn

意思解释:(Compasses )语本《国语·楚语上》:“﹝白公再谏,﹞王病之,曰:'子复语,不谷虽不能用,吾憗置之于耳。'对曰:'赖君用之也,故言。不然,巴浦之犀、牦、兕、象,其可尽乎?其又以规为瑱也。'遂趋而退,归,杜门不出。”韦昭注:“规,谏也。瑱,所以塞耳。”后世因用“规瑱”比喻进谏。




(Also read Ti à N)(1) to hang down the jade that in coronet two side use side of a place of strategic importance is acted the role of, also cry fill ear . a surname child is · ceremony talked : Ling of  of fall from the sky of  of ダ Lu thing full front of a Chinese gown with a buzz straps  of treasure of  of  of Wei of  of Ji ill  ! 2) Yu Er is acted the role of. Qi Ce of · of plan of the Warring States 4 :  of ざ of  of  of ammoniac exhausted  swims draw σ thorough its annulus ~ , come to often be not married, with foster parent. (boreal palace:

