
ào cáng

意思解释:(Abstruse Tibet)室内隐秘之处。 犹奥府。物产聚藏之所。


室内幽深隐秘之处。《韩诗外传》卷二: “孔子曰: ‘窥其门, 不入其中, 安知其奥藏之所在乎?’”②犹奥府。物产集藏之所。宋祁《宋景文公笔记·杂说》:“东南天地之奥藏,宽柔而卑。西北天地之劲方,雄尊而严。”…


Indoor and deep and serene secret place. pass outside Han Shi roll 2: Fly   of of glair of hair on the neck of a pig ' peep its door, do not enter among them, how to know its does the place of abstruse Tibet care ' ② still abstruse government office. The place that products volume hides. Song Qi is · of Song Jingwen general take down miscellaneous say : Caving  of the sliding weight of a steelyard of  of stand upright of captive of  of Piao of bank  Xian Lan ah  of Qu of country fairdyke of  of sword of ⒎ of  of Piao of Lan of N Yang green jade is rare! Thin

