
pī bó

意思解释:(Wrap around silk)妇女服饰名。始于唐。一说始于秦。披红。 披红。参见“披红”。




Chen Yuanjing thing Lin Anji hind does collect coil 10: Faint of  of  of right-falling stroke of   shelters  of  of inspect of  of cherry of  of Wu of  of branch of  of  of Xu of month of Hang Cong of  of  of  of  of early beach of  of the  that believe  is added censure  imprints! Shelter Han Zhu  is short illuminate of  of  of づ of deceive of muddled ヅ envy Gu Jin is noted the cloud, the woman wraps around silk, ancient make without its, leave yuan in, instruct your world Fu and person of female fine of treasure forest drive, common banquet joins serve, make wrap around...

