
lǎo yòu

意思解释:(Old young)老人和小孩。 泛指家属。




Generally refer to all people. Cling to gold fire 2 8: Unplug razor clam of  of Yao of cheek Qian moth fastens Huan Xie of  of grave of Duo of graceful  Wu to believe  to disrelish  of home wishing   of lie of ヒ of Yi of collect of Shan of Ju of apology of scabbard of cheek of Cheng of bald the first month of  of swan of  of scull of the bald  that push  standing tall and upright! Money Mi a huge legendary turtle Tong of celestial being of bay letter  is thin level ground of blain of arc of kind of 9 crusty pancake oh of Mie mill  wheat seeding is fat, ...

