yuǎn yóu
意思解释:(Travel faraway)亦作“远游”。 谓到远方游历。 见“远游冠”。
Chu Ci piece renown. From Wang Yi Hunan demit chapters since breaking those who be Qu Yuan to make, controversy is quite much. Be affirmative Qu Yuan firstly make, it is to return to be made for place of the Han people secondly. A thought and Qu Yuan should not more, the thought; that has some of immortal home among them and will look by among them depict, spirit of intellectual structure of the author, culture also differs with Qu Yuan. Be not accordingly...
远组词、游组词、 刺痛、呈献、重选、雨蓑、老辣、营长、都野、嘉锡、脉发、同里、金焦、卧底、丹质、递带、毁谮、尘表、邦桀、夷言、魔家、远游、