shén shǐ
意思解释:(The god makes)原为《圣经》中天使(Angel安琪儿)的意译。太平天国洪秀全《原道觉世训》:“皇上帝当初六日造成天地山海人物,已设有其神使千千万万,在天上任其派遣。”太平天国后期用作官名,地位在神将之下,诏书中常见。
Say today tonetic . The pitch of whole syllable. Liu Fu analyse of Beijing square sound counts a watch divide syllabic structure to be first (initial consonant) , neck (head vowel ins certain compound vowels) , abdomen (vowel of the essential vowel in a compound vowel) , end (tail vowel, vowel or consonant) , god . Vocal cords vibrates the change of frequency forms tonetic discretion to differ, have the distinction of * the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics then. Divide frequency...
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