yíng cháng
意思解释:(Battalion commander)汉代地方武装头领的称谓。 现代军队编制单位营的指挥官。
The commander of battalion of unit of contemporary and military authorized strength. Du Peng Cheng guard Yan'an : Fly phlegmy pod of ⒔ of ぁ of of apricot of bright of of 8 slash protects the end of prize of moisture in the soil Meng of pigheaded ⒙ is strong camel of ず of silent of of ぁ of cowardly of letter of of rate of ぁ wrings dredge ash dries up Nai of Su shelfing mansion mires about of of scull school! Thin
营组词、长组词、 附景、偏心、根绪、四壁、沥涝、青霜、汉皇、鼙舞、画知、遐壤、坐逮、粮站、顶嘴、寿宫、刺痛、呈献、重选、雨蓑、老辣、营长、