tuán chéng
意思解释:(Round city)古建筑。位于今北京市故宫西北、北海以南的低丘上,因周围有圆形城垣,故名。全国重点文物保护单位。殿宇始建于金,元以后屡有增修。团城中,承光殿内有玉佛,殿前有整块玉石雕成的元代玉瓮,生动细致。
Official asking dark green, do not know its discipline, encompass of fluid wave north and south is taken. Day edge pavilion by rise high, arch is bowed with hands clasped to all over the sky frost black. Coagulate emerald green brume. Have cloud of a celestial being, the car builds Wan Wanqing. Stalk or branch did not change. Do Gu to maintain alone again, compose of clump of 10 thousand needles,
团组词、城组词、 积翠、却老、热芭、延缘、呀豁、见罪、弧精、伯翳、诱衷、魂消、驿舍、寒族、兵象、永监、旷遗、一廛、志趣、着明、捱靠、团城、